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Archive for the ‘Nutrition’ Category

New study exposes high levels of mercury in freshwater fish

New study exposes high levels of mercury in freshwater fish

By Guy Montague-Jones, 24-Aug-2009 

US consumers who eat average amounts of fish could be exposed to levels of mercury that exceed the EPA criterion for the protection of people, according to a new study.  

Scientists at the US Geological Survey sampled fish in 291 streams across the US and found mercury in every one. About a quarter of the fish were found to contain enough mercury to push consumption of the metal above the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended limit of 0.33ppm in people who eat about two fish meals a week. 


Mercury in fish has been a public health issue for some time. The FDA says the metal can build up in the blood stream provoking reproductive problems in women and damaging the development of the nervous system in children. The regulator therefore recommends that people limit their fish consumption to about two meals a week. 

As well as investigating the extent of the mercury problem in fish, the latest study from the US Geological Survey identified causes and highlighted geographical variations. 

It said that some of the highest levels of contamination were found in the south and south east of the US in states such as North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Louisiana. 


The reason for this is not high levels of pollution but rather the abundance of wetlands and forests, which USGS scientist Lia Chasar said aids the conversion of mercury to the toxic form, methylmercury. 

People are not, however, exempt from blame because the original source of the mercury is emissions from industry that are then dumped in waterways by the rain. Coal-fired power plants and mining plants are the biggest sources of mercury emissions. 

Reacting to the study, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said: “This science sends a clear message that our country must continue to confront pollution, restore our nation’s waterways, and protect the public from potential health dangers.” 

As well as uncovering the amount of mercury in fish, USGS scientist Barbara Scudder said the study would help decision makers better predict levels of mercury and methylmercury in different streams with comparable environmental settings. 

But Scudder refused to comment as to whether the research should lead to changes in recommended fish consumption levels. 


Written by J. Lee Booker

April 1, 2010 at 6:11 pm

Wish you would read this

You may not read much of what is posted here – but if you are going to read anything I wish you would read this.

 In 1999, Consumer Reports analyzed 27,000 fruit and vegetable samples in grocery store across the US and found that pesticide levels were too high. Check out their report (“Do You Know What You’re Eating?”)    In particular, note their “Advice to Consumers” on page 38. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta and the Environmental Working Group, an advocacy group in Washington, D.C., have conducted studies that included the conclusion that children who don’t eat organically grown fruits and vegetables have six times the concentrations of pesticide byproducts in their urine as children who eat organic grown produce.

So eat organic food whenever you have a choice. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ever eat out or anything like that, but when you do have a choice, choose wisely.  Like when you go to the grocery store, choose organic. It’ll cost more, but not prohibitively so.

When you can’t choose organic food, wash it the way Consumer Reports recommends – with soap. According to CR, that will only reduce the pesticide residue by 50% – but it’s better than not washing it with soap at all. 

I hope you take the time to read and consider this information – I’d like for you and those you love to be able to enjoy a healthy, quality life.

Written by J. Lee Booker

April 1, 2010 at 8:09 am

Posted in Nutrition