Wripen Roll

Comments and Opinions about Stuff that Matters

Archive for April 2012

Kill them all, Let God sort them out

According to Vanity Fair editor Cullen Murphy in his 2012 book God’s Jury: The  Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World, Houghton Millin Harcourt, 2012, one can buy bumper stickers and T-shirts at U.S. military installation all over the world that read: “Kill them all, Let God sort them out.”

Pretty appalling.

Isn’t that even another potential embarassment for the U.S.?

Written by J. Lee Booker

April 30, 2012 at 11:34 am

Posted in Politics, Society

Think about it darlin’

More and more, corporate special interests, or coalitions of corporate special interests (big pharma and the medical establishment for example), drive global legislation, and legislators willingly allow corporate employee costs such as retirement, medical care, welfare, and education to be offloaded government. If government A won’t take on the burden of such costs then a corporation can move its factory to country B and offload the costs to that government – exactly what’s happening as multinationals move and outsource functions to China and India.

Of course it’s in the best interest of corporate special interests for society to remain stable and capable of consuming goods and services. But beyond that, corporations have no obligation to their employees or their customers. In some countries, citizens enjoy certain inalienable rights. But in no corporation that I am aware of do employees enjoy rights that cannot be taken or given away by the corporation.

Corporations seem to be replacing governments as the legislators, administrators, and arbitrators that control the countries where we reside. For many of us, the company we work may be more important to our wellbeing and welfare than the country where we live. Multinationalism appears to be replacing nationalism as the unifying, organizing force behind society.

The rights which many of us believe belong justifiably to every person were hard won over millennia.

Must we fight again for a charter of liberty and political rights, only this time against multinationals?

Think about it darlin’

Written by J. Lee Booker

April 25, 2012 at 11:34 am