Wripen Roll

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Archive for February 2011

Madonna: Sticky and Sweet Tour

About two years ago Madonna began what became, at $408M, the highest-grossing tour by a solo artist in history. There’s a great video of the concert, available via Netflix Instant Watch as this is posted, that was filmed in Argentina – the Madonna: Sticky and Sweet Tour.

The technology and logistics are state of the art and absolutely amazing. Sort of like Paper Jamz technology to the max, her voice and guitar appear to be live but processed in a way that makes it impossible to sing off key or be out of breath or play the wrong guitar chord.

The logistics with dancers and instruments and platforms and costumes and graphics are amazing as well. It appears that they’re all controlled in a way that, once each segment starts, everyone involved just has to keep up. It would be interesting to see what would happen if she fainted in the middle of a number. You or I could probably perform the entire concert if we could remember the words and keep from getting killed by dancers and automated moving equipment.

You may recall that Madonna starred as Eva Peron in the 1996 film Evita. I’m not all that knocked out by much of Madonna’s stuff, but it’s pretty obvious that Argentina loves her – and it was one heck of a concert.

And speaking of technology, check out Madonna’s 50 year old body – bionic parts don’t wear out as fast as original parts, so she’ll probably still be capable of doing some of those same moves in 20 years as long as she stays clear of EMFs.

Written by J. Lee Booker

February 2, 2011 at 1:47 am