Wripen Roll

Comments and Opinions about Stuff that Matters

Archive for November 2010

Vice President Biden takes Himself Seriously

The Right Reverend Himself Seriously, High Potentate of the Golmon Peninsula on the banks of the River Sachs, was taken to Notsturd by Vice President Joseph Biden on Thursday.

One of the local residents, who requested that his name and that of his family members be withheld, stated unequivocally, “Seriously, taken Notsturd” while sipping a local concoction of lauren root and burberry.

Residents of Notsturd, who are extremely short but reportedly quite wealthy due to the recent discovery of vast reserves of cod liver oil on the Peninsula, were surprised to find that someone of Vice President Biden’s stature had actually taken Himself Seriously anywhere.

Seriously, who was in route to Orlando, was detained by US customs last week at the Miami airport when he explained that he was visiting Disney World and had paid for his visit with oil. Vice President Biden showed up a few hours later in Air Force Two to “Take matters into his own hands.”

“This is probably the first time that any of these guys have even seen a veep,” said a tow headed dune surfer from Des Moines who was in Notsturd for the annual cod liver stomp.

Speculation was rampant among all seventeen Notsturdians as to whether or not Vice President Biden would also take Himself Seriously on the Potentate’s annual trek to the Nether regions, an area that few but the most fortunate Notsturdians are able to see in their short but sweet lifetimes.

The office of the Vice President released a statement a few hours prior to Thursday’s trip saying “America is always open to new relationships with oil producing countries whose natural resources complement our own import needs.”

When asked what need if any the United States had for large quantities of cod liver oil, the Office of the Vice President and all of his family members declined to comment.

Written by J. Lee Booker

November 12, 2010 at 9:43 am

Posted in Politics