Wripen Roll

Comments and Opinions about Stuff that Matters

Bothered by all of the tripe?

Are you bothered by all of the tripe added to the health care bill by the Democrats? You don’t think a Republicans Congress is immune from such nonsense do you? Just look at the billions of dollars of unrelated pork and outright bribes tacked on to the stimulus bill by both parties. 

In politics, a good deed always goes punished – both parties play that game. Well meaning folks have been trying to get through bills to offer some relief from health care industry misdeeds and collusion since 1900. There’s no way a pure bill to take care of those without healthcare is going to get through Congress without ridiculous compromises and piles of pork. 

Such slop is one of the prices we pay for living in a country where the founding fathers were wise enough to keep the average voter somewhat distanced from the governance process. If America truly was a “will-of-the-people” democracy, the majority who already have health care would never, ever make allowances for minority who don’t. 

Sometimes, just sometimes, a government has to step in and bargain, bribe, and cajole to get the right thing done. The result is never pretty but only a benevolent dictator could produce a purer result than this – and I’m sure not up for that.

Written by J. Lee Booker

April 1, 2010 at 12:42 pm

Posted in HealthCare, Politics